Mgr. Tomáš Valeš, Ph.D.

Head, Centre for Early Modern Studies

Correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno

Office: bldg. K/312
Veveří 470/28
602 00 Brno

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Phone: +420 549 49 8552
Basic information

Academic and management positions

MU Faculty or unit Centre for Early Modern StudiesFaculty of Arts
Job classification Head

Membership in academic and other bodies at MU

Doctoral Board History of Art


MU Faculty or unit Department of Art HistoryFaculty of Arts
Job classification Assistant professor
Office bldg. K/312Veveří 470/28, Veveří, Brno
Phone +420 549 49 8552
MU Faculty or unit Centre for Early Medieval StudiesFaculty of Arts (part-time cooperation)

Personal information

Personal identification - University ID 111041
Internal information Portál MU IS MU

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