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Zlá média: Zaostřeno na záludné konstrukce reality v masmediálním prostředí a v síti programovaných médií.

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Title in English Evil media: Focused on stratagematic constructions of reality in masmedia and in web of programmed media


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ezin TIM
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Evil media; stratagemas; masmedia; programmed media; gray zone; metaphor
Description One of the most provocative current contributions to think through possibilities of understanding programmed media is according to Jana Horaková (2013) a study Towards Evil Media Studies, 2007, written by Matthew Fuller and Andrew Goffeye and their subsequent book Evil media, 2012. The authors who are inspired by a controversial legacy of Niccolo Machiavelli, Baltasar Gracian and especially Arthur Schopenhauer and his Eristic Art of Dialectic or the Art of Beeing Right (1830–1831); submit a list of stratagematic tactics that theorists of programmed media should follow and expand as well as recognize and articulate their effects. There is a whole network of complex and unnoticed relationships among programmed media and their users. The aim of the study is to show which role could play the work with stratagematas in term of searching and using the rhetorical deceits and subterfuges in accessing the examination of programmed media. Stratagema can be seen as the deceptive and immoral trick to deceive or persuate the enemy in the argumentation or as a very effective means of communication. Does the end justify the means? Evil Media Studies present us with an ethical choice: either to behave completely transparent or to become an active, stratagematicly behaving media of transformation. The authors are leading the reader by the forms of stratagemas to think about quotations of authorities (commonplaces) which we often automatically accept without critically evaluating them in relation to the current context. This study presents stratagemas behaving of subjects involved in networks of interactions of gray zone media by the interpretation of the main theses of stratagema Machine the Commonplace (Stratagema 4: Machine the Commonplace, Fuller and Goffey, 2007). Goal of this paper is to illustrate the approach mentioned in the examples of constructed reality by mass media as well as examples of stratagemas detected in the gray zone of hypertext media network environment
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