Publication details

Connection of glycoinformatics databases with Pubchem



Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

Description Nowadays, information about structure of organic molecules and proteins is stored in general databases and described via common data formats. Unfortunately, glycoinformatics databases are isolated and use specialised data formats. For better work with interesting data stored in these databases, it is necessary to link together information from these specialized databases with general-purpose database. Among such specialised databases belong for example GlyConnect and UnicarbKB – databases of glycan structures, which utilise GlycoCT data format [1]. We developed a workflow for translation of GlycoCT format to common molecular formats SMILES, InChI and InChIKey. Based on these standard formats, we established a linkage between GlyConnect, UnicarbKB and PubChem [2] databases. We will present the workflow and information describing a matching between these databases.
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