Publication details

Geochemické složení uraninitu ze západomoravských uranových ložisek

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Title in English Geochemistry of uraninites from the Western Moravian Uranium Province

WERTICH Vojtěch KUBEŠ Martin HOLÁ Markéta MOZOLA Juraj LEICHMANN Jaromír

Year of publication 2019
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Ideal uraninite formula of uraninite (UO2) is not common in natural environment (Janezcek a Ewing 1992). Geochemical composition of uraninite reflects four main processes: 1) substitution for U during primary crystalization (eg. Y, REE); 2) radioactive decay, genesis of radiogenic Pb isotopes; 3) incorporation of cations, namely Ca, Si and Fe; and 4) oxidation of U4+ to U6+ (Janezcek a Ewing 1992, Alexandre et al. 2016). It appears that in some cases is possible to distinguish individual uranium deposits from each other based on geochemical composition of uraninite (Frimmel et al. 2014, Alexandre et al. 2016).
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