Publication details

On line sběr klíšťat na lokalitě Pisárky v Brně v rámci exkurze organizované JCMM

Title in English On-line collection of ticks at the Pisárky locality in Brno as part of an excursion organized by JCMM


Year of publication 2020
Type Popularization text
Description On-line collection of ticks at the Pisárky locality in Brno as part of an excursion organized by JCMM (JCMM is focused on supporting gifted students and human resources for science with activities in the South Moravian Region). Under the leadership of doc. Alena Žákovská's gifted students from secondary schools collected ticks in Pisárky, which they then analyzed in the laboratories of the Faculty of Science, MU Brno. The report of the TV show Události broadcast on 15.6. at 6 pm demonstrations from the collection of ticks and teaching students under the guidance of a teacher and event organizers.

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