Přednáška prof. Pavla Drábka, University of Hull (UK)

  • 31. března 2015
  • FF MU, A. Nováka 1, budova B2, učebna B2.13

Přednáška prof. Pavla Drábka, University of Hull (UK): ‘One Auspicious,
and one Dropping Eye’: Frivolous Drama in Early Modern Europe

This paper forms part of a project on frivolous drama in early modern Europe, which explores mixed genres and audience responses in pre-classicist theatre. It analyses early modern dramatic theories as well as rationalist writings on language and emotions, uncovering the inherent qualities of earlier drama that were later seen as irregular and barbarous due to ‘mingling kings and clowns’, and interspersing noble sentiments with low comedy. These aesthetic changes are discernible in the epistemological crises that culminated in the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), and the English Revolution (1642-1660) when theatres were closed down in London.

Přednáška se uskuteční v době 15.50–17.20.

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