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Economic perspectives on international waste transport


VAIL Benjamin Jeremiah

Rok publikování 2007
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis Since at least 2005, municipal waste has been shipped illegally from Germany to the Czech Republic. The improper disposal of this waste in so-called “black dumps,” such as farm fields and abandoned buildings, threatens environmental quality and public health. This paper explores the causes of the illegal waste transport problem, and identifies the potentially positive and negative impacts of waste trade by reviewing economic theory and empirical studies. The recent history of illegal German waste imports to Bohemia in the northern Czech Republic is described and put in European context. The paper then reviews economic perspectives on the causes and effects of waste transport. The theory that both exporters and importers should benefit from waste trade, and that any negative impacts can be mitigated through the use of host fees, is critiqued. It is found that even the legal waste trade can suffer from market failures and impose externalities that harm human health and the environment in waste importing communities, which suggests that there is a legitimate role for the state in regulating waste transport. In line with economic theory, the Czech case reveals that waste export is generally motivated by desire to evade costly waste management rules and serves to undermine source reduction and recycling efforts. Such outcomes are at odds with the stated environmental protection and economic development goals of Germany, the Czech Republic, and the European Union. Ultimately, the solution to waste management problems is an overall reduction in waste production, which can be achieved through the use of economic instruments guided by public policy.

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