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“Born i’ the Heart of London”—London as an Element of Comicality in Comedies by Thomas Middleton

Název česky "Narozen v srdci Londýna" - Londýn jako prvek komičnosti v komediích Thomase Middletona


Rok publikování 2014
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The paper seeks to present that the London setting can be viewed as an essential and defining aspect of the comicality of Middleton's city comedies. It not only introduces the textual representation of London by Middleton, but also traces specific London settings and references to particular places in London, and argues that they account for the comicality of the plays to a large extent. It also presents the picture of London society of Jacobean England, and—with the aid of analysing particular characters in light of their references to concrete cultural and social milieux of London—tries to identify London as an element closely connected to the comicality of these characters.
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