Informace o publikaci

B.M.I. and physical activity as a cause of delay in discharge or bed-blocking in four surgical clinics: 60 follow-up.



Rok publikování 2008
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Popis EURO-PREVOB - Tackling the social and economic determinants of nutrition and physical activity for the prevention of obesity in Europe. Project no. 044291, funded by the European Commission, 6th Framework Programme. Working group 6, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. The consortium consists of 14 partners from 10 European countries, a multi-disciplinary team spanning a variety of key disciplines. The project EURO-PREVOB promotes the prevention of obesity through effective nutrition and physical activity actions.

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