Informace o publikaci

Stability Prerequisites of the Czech Republic Banking System


KALOUDA František

Rok publikování 2018
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference European Financial Systems 2018
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Klíčová slova banking system; controller; stability; controlled system
Popis The paper is devoted to further description and analysis the selected aspects of the stability of the Czech banking system (as a cybernetic system), with special focus to the influence of the managed or controlled system (commercial banks). The objective of the paper is to clarify the implications of the parameters of the managed/controlled system (Czech commercial banks) for regulator (Czech central bank) behavior. The paper draws on data published by the Czech National Bank (CNB, as well as on data from literature and from previous studies of the author. Methodology of the paper is principally based on the economic cybernetics utilization in terms of study the stability of the Czech banking system as a cybernetic system. The usual description, literary research, comparison and analytic-synthetic methods are used here as well. The main expected results of the paper relate to the linkages between stability of the Czech banking system as a whole and behavioral parameters (characteristics) of the controlled system (commercial banks) - still not explored. Conclusions of the paper in a significant way redefine the options of the central bank in general (this means not only Czech central bank) concerning the stability control of the banking system.
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