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Najvyššie dosiahnuté vzdelanie a jeho vplyv na transformujúce sa rodinné a reprodukčné správanie žien na Slovensku



Rok publikování 2019
Druh Odborná kniha
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The population composition according to the highest educational attainment represents one of the fastest changing population structures in Slovakia. This is particularly true for the youngest generations of men and women, who are also the main actors in demographic reproduction. The publication deals in detail with the analysis and synthesis of women fertility in relation to their educational attainment in Slovakia. It has been shown that the process of transformation of reproductive and family behavior is closely linked with the achieved education and significantly modifies several known patterns of reproduction. Their deeper knowledge is one of the important keys on the road towards a more comprehensive understanding of the changes in the demographic development of Slovakia after 1989.

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