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Inquiry-Based Mathematics Education: Literature Database and Bibliographic Analysis



Rok publikování 2020
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Applied Mathematics APLIMAT
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Klíčová slova Bibliographic Analysis; Inquiry-Based Education; Mathematics; Problem-Based Learning
Popis We present a bibliographic database gathering 437 scientific papers related to Inquiry-Based Education in Mathematics covering the period of 1980-2018. Papers have been inventoried primarily thanks to searches on Web of Science using specific keywords, and the dataset has been completed by searching through literature-cited sections of papers. Relevant variables have been manually added into a database taking into consideration the type of the study, the target group, the country of origin, topics covered by the study, and the methodological approaches. Based on the data-set, we conducted a bibliographic analysis to determine the distribution of publications in several categories according to their classification. We also identified the most high-impact papers and journals, most frequent keywords, and most productive countries as well as their trends.
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