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Alois Hába (1893-1973) : Zwischen Tradition und Innovation



Rok publikování 2021
Druh Odborná kniha
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Alois hába (21st June 1893, Vizovice – 18th November 1973, Prague) is one of the most prominent representatives of 20th-century European avant-garde music. He entered Czech musical culture at a time when the “lived inheritance of folklore” had come to be recognized as something of genuine potential value for high culture. Attempts at the authentic expression of musical roots no longer meant a degrading provincialism. His idea of a new, "liberated" music based on microintervals (quarter tones, etc.) and athematic structures caused a stir. However, his micro-interval compositions barely cover a third of his oeuvre. Hába's organizational and music-educational work is also of great importance. This monograph is the result of many years of archiving and research work by the two authors on the estate of Alois Hába. The volume is rounded off by indexes of works and publications by Alois Hába as well as a selected bibliography including the latest literature.

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