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Folklore, Trauma and Healing in The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal and Spectred Isle by KJ Charles


ŠMÍDOVÁ Monika Markéta

Rok publikování 2023
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis When depicting trauma and its aftermath, the romance genre with its requirement of an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending is well suited to devote significant attention not only to the trauma itself but also to the detailed exploration of the healing phase. In the subgenre of fantasy/paranormal romance, the presence of supernatural elements and the permeability of the barrier between the living and the dead allows for a specific portrayal of trauma and healing. This paper analyzes the interplay of folklore and the theme of trauma and healing in two m/m paranormal romance novels by KJ Charles, The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal (2015) and Spectred Isle (2017), arguing that the author’s use of folklore elements and beliefs as a real part of the novels’ world draws attention to both positive and negative role of human society and community in trauma infliction and subsequent healing.
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