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Modelling gamified e-learning experiences with user profiles



Rok publikování 2023
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

www online sborník
Klíčová slova gamification; learning management systems; e-learning; user experience; motivation
Popis E-learning is an up-to-date and effective technological aid for distance learning at universities. Research into the motivational potential of gamification of the online learning environment allows us to get a clearer idea of the attitudes and experiences of university students in selected courses with e-learning support. In this paper I examine how digital games can enter teaching and learning at university. The focus is to find out what potential students see in the application of game principles in e-learning, and thus recognize the possibilities and limits of their implementation. The main research question is how the differences in age, gender, frequency of gaming, perceived difficulty of the course and satisfaction with online learning environment among students affect the perception of gamification and game elements in e-learning. Based on the findings, I recommend to teachers and developers of online learning environments how they could improve their design in accordance with the needs and preferences of students.

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