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Razvitie russko-cheshskih literaturnyh svjazej v detskoj literature 20 veka. Sovremennyje tendencii



Rok publikování 2012
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Aktualnyje voprosy filologii i metodiki prepodavanija inostrannyh jazykov. Statji i materialy 4-oj mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. 21-22. fevralja 2012. Tom 2.
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Obor Jazykověda
Klíčová slova Poetics of texts for children; changes after the year 1948; children's literature; literary theory in the USSR and Czechoslovakia; magazine "Mateřídouška"; journals "Štěpnice" and "Zlatý máj"; current trends; changes after the year 1989
Přiložené soubory
Popis This article is based on a scientific understanding of the changes in the poetics of the Czech and Russian texts of children's literature. The present study reports the twentieth century as the century of the two extremes. In the history of the perception of Russian children's literature Czechs determined 1948th year as the beginning of the one extreme and the 1989th year as the beginning of the second extreme. Evidence of the above is given on the material of Czech journals and on the basis of a study of modern publishing practices.

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