prof. RNDr. Jakub Hofman, Ph.D.
Head, Soil Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
correspondence Address:
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno
office: bldg. D29/314
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
Total number of publications: 184
Bioaccumulation test of persistent organic pollutants in Eisenia fetida: chemical analysis issues
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract
Comparison and characterisation of OECD artificial soils
Ecotoxicological characterisation of wastes: Results and experiences of an international ring test, year: 2009, number of pages: 7 s.
Ecotoxicity of wastes in avoidance tests with Enchytraeus albidus, Enchytraeus crypticus and Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta)
Waste Management, year: 2009, volume: 4, edition: 30
Effects fungicides mancozeb and dinocap on carbon and nitrogen mineralization
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, year: 2009, volume: 72, edition: 1
Soil burdens of persistent organic pollutants. Their levels, fate and risk. Part I. Variation of concentration ranges according to different soil uses and locations
Environmental Pollution, year: 2009, volume: 12, edition: 157
Variability of soil microbial properties: effects of sampling, handling and storage
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, year: 2009, volume: 72, edition: 8
Význam a použití bioakumulace při studiu biodostupnosti perzistentních organických polutantů v půdách
Študentská vedecká konferencia, 22 April 2009, Bratislava, SK. Zborník recenzovaných príspevkov, year: 2009
Application of sediments on agricultural soils: status quo, potential, and limits
Environmental changes and biological assessment IV., year: 2008
Avoidance behaviour of Enchytraeus albidus induced by carbendazim in relation to exposure time and ageing of soil contamination
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Baseline levels of selected biochemical markers in Enchytraeus crypticus
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract