prof. MUDr. Pavel Trávník, DrSc.
Total number of publications: 37
Přínos rychlého stanovení sérového estradiolu pro určení doby aplikace hCG v programu fertilizace in vitro. [Contribution of rapid estimation of serum oestradiol to assess the time of hCG administration in the programme of in vitro fertilization]
Československá Gynekologie [IF=n.a.], year: 1987, volume: 52, edition: 5
Benign osteoblastomas of the Jaws.
Scripta medica, year: 1985
Histologická a elektronově mikroskopická technika
Year: 1985, type: Textbook
Praktická cvičení z histologie
Year: 1983, type: Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
Fusion of hamster and pig zona-free eggs stimulated by boar and guinea pig sperm at fertilization in vitro
Gamete Res, year: 1982, volume: 6, edition: 3
Incidence and localization of lipids in the mouse oocyte and cleaving ovum
Folia morphologica, year: 1980, volume: 29, edition: 3
Lamellar structures in rat ova and their chemical composition
Zeitschrift fur mikroskopisch-anatomische Forschung, year: 1974, volume: 89, edition: 5