Basic information

Academic and management positions

MU Faculty or unit Faculty of Law
Job classification Faculty bursar
Office 107Veveří 158/70, Veveří, Brno
Phone +420 549 49 1202
MU Faculty or unit Dean's OfficeFaculty of Law
Job classification Faculty bursar

Membership in academic and other bodies at MU

Board for Sustainable Developement Masaryk University
Dean's Advisory Board Faculty of Law
Dean's Board Faculty of Law
Development Board Masaryk University
Finance Committee Masaryk University
Information Technologies Board Masaryk University


MU Faculty or unit Dean's OfficeFaculty of Law
Job classification Faculty bursar
Office 107Veveří 158/70, Veveří, Brno
Phone +420 549 49 5095
MU Faculty or unit Faculty of LawFaculty of Law
Job classification Faculty bursar

Personal information

Personal identification - University ID 71313
Internal information Portál MU IS MU

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