doc. Ing. Rostislav Staněk, Ph.D.
Vice-dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration
office: 510
Lipová 507/41a
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 6278 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 49
Contest and resource allocation: An experimental analysis of entitlement and self-selection effects
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, year: 2024, volume: 82, edition: March, DOI
Short-term impacts of housing first on homeless families: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial in Brno, Czechia
JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DISTRESS AND THE HOMELESS, year: 2024, volume: 33, edition: 2, DOI
Asambláž „Bydlení především": příklad projektu „Rapid Re-Housing pro rodiny s dětmi bez domova" ve městě Brně
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, year: 2023, volume: 59, edition: 2, DOI
Social capital and mobility: An experimental study
RATIONALITY AND SOCIETY, year: 2023, volume: 35, edition: 1, DOI
Advertising cooperative phenotype through costly signals facilitates collective action
ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE, year: 2022, volume: 9, edition: 5, DOI
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps: Identifying procedural preferences against helping others in the presence of moral hazard
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, year: 2022, volume: 98, edition: June, DOI
The role of generalised reciprocity and reciprocal tendencies in the emergence of cooperative group norms
JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY, year: 2022, volume: 90, edition: June, DOI
Can time-inconsistent preferences explain hypothetical biases?
Economics of Transportation, year: 2021, volume: 25, edition: March, DOI
Committed to reciprocate on a bribe or blow the whistle: The effects of periodical staff-rotation in public administration
Public Performance & Management Review, year: 2021, volume: 44, edition: 2, DOI