Total number of projects: 1366
Actionable eUropean ROadmap for early-life health Risk Assessment of micro- and nanoplastics (964827)
MU Researcher: RNDr. Petra Přibylová, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Science Project Period: 4/2021 — 3/2026Investor: European Union / Horizon 2020 -
Exploring the Hot Universe and Understanding Comic Feedback (GX21-13491X)
MU Researcher: prof. Mgr. Norbert Werner, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Science Project Period: 1/2021 — 12/2025Investor: Czech Science Foundation / EXPRO -
The Formation of Multi-ethnic Complex Societies in Early Medieval Moravia. Collective Action Theory and Interdisciplinary Approach (GX21-17092X)
MU Researcher: prof. Mgr. Jiří Macháček, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 1/2021 — 12/2025Investor: Czech Science Foundation / EXPRO -
Vývoj prostředku na podporu včelí imunity na bázi probiotik, spolu s technologií jeho výroby a potravinářským využitím vedlejšího produktu (QK21010088)
MU Researcher: doc. RNDr. Pavel Hyršl, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Science Project Period: 1/2021 — 12/2025Investor: Ministry of Agriculture of the CR / ZEMĚ -
Postrk a chudinství v habsburské monarchii 1780-1850: snaha o systémové řešení chudinské otázky (GA21-07473S)
MU Researcher: PhDr. Zdeňka Stoklásková, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 7/2021 — 6/2024Investor: Czech Science Foundation / Standard Projects -
Organizácia byzantského námorníctva za dynastie Komnénovcov (GA21-18177S)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Marek Meško, M.A., Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 7/2021 — 6/2024Investor: Czech Science Foundation / Standard Projects -
Cosmas of Prague and his World (GA21-07769S)
MU Researcher: prof. PhDr. Martin Wihoda, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 7/2021 — 12/2024Investor: Czech Science Foundation / Standard Projects -
Barokní nástěnná malba mezi teorií a praxí (GA21-13208S)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Michaela Šeferisová Loudová, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 1/2021 — 6/2024Investor: Czech Science Foundation / Standard Projects -
Informal Judicial Institutions: Invisible Determinants of Democratic Decay (101002660)
MU Researcher: prof. JUDr. David Kosař, Ph.D., LL.M., J. S. D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Law Project Period: 9/2021 — 8/2026Investor: European Union / Horizon 2020 -
Identification and characterization of proteins involved in metabolism of G-quadruplexes and R-loops and molecular mechanisms of their relationship with replication (21-22593X)
MU Researcher: doc. Mgr. Lumír Krejčí, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Medicine Project Period: 1/2021 — 12/2025Investor: Czech Science Foundation / EXPRO