Publication details

Aktuální projekty v oblasti skladování a dopravy ropy do ČR

Title in English Current Issues and Projects in the Storage and Transport of Oil to the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Paliva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Oil; Czech Republic; Infrastructure; Pipeline; Druzhba; Energy Security
Attached files
Description The text deals with the analysis of planned infrastructure projects with regards to the security of oil supplies to the Czech Republic. The supply is an important part of the chain production - processing - usage and has direct impact on all other parts of the chain. The text introduces the situation in the oil imports to the Czech Republic with the emphasis on the oil pipeline routes. Then it follows by an analysis of infrastructural projects and plans, including potential limits and problems. The research is based on the analysis of both primary and secondary sources, as well as extensive data collection in the field and consultations with company representa-tives in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine.
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