Publication details

Vliv vnímání budoucnosti na budoucnost

Title in English Impact of the peception of future on future


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Envigogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords future; Thomas teorem; metanaration
Description On the background of findings about growing negativism in society, this article aims to describe the impact a shared vision of the future may have on the actual future. The Thomas theorem and the ideas of the self-fulfilling prophecy, the placebo effect, and the Oedipus effect are explored. Lyotard’s concept of the metanarrative as a collection of “grand stories” helping legitimize social institutions on the basis of a common vision of the future is also mentioned. This article poses the question of whether there is a link between the current institutional crisis and growing negativism in society. The above-mentioned concepts are applied to create a hypothesis that the existence of a common positive vision of the future can potentially be an important element in the positive future development of society.

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