Publication details

Náboženství v laboratoři sociální implicitní kognice : víra v automatických reakcích jako implicitní postoj a dovednost

Title in English Religion in the Laboratory of Social Implicit Cognition : Belief in Automatic Reactions as Implicit Attitude and Skill


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords religious belief; social implicit cognition; implicit attitude; experimental study of religion
Description This article straddles the border between theoretical essay and review study. It points to the methodological paradigm of experimental social psychology as a promising space for research on religious belief between the universal claims of the cognitive science of religion, with its emphasis on the evolved cognitive capacities of human behaviour, and traditional historiographic and anthropologic methods with their stress on socio-cultural context. It tries to answer some questions for meaningful reduction and experimentalization of religious belief and reflects on the possibility of measuring such belief beyond the use of questionnaires with their limit on introspection and problem of social desirability bias. It introduces experimental space as a place where new layers of contextual properties are paradoxically revealed, thanks to the reduction and decontextualization of the studied phenomena. Religiosity and religious belief therefore show to a greater extent their dependency on concrete practices and performances. The general aim of the article is to show how an experimentally based conception of the affective part of religious belief, as an implicit attitude, contributes to the de-essentialization of religious belief.
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