Publication details

Od Velké ekonomické krize po globalizaci: výhody a úskalí longitudinálních výzkumů sledujících člověka v měnících se společnostech.

Title in English From the Great Depression to the Globalization: Benefits and pitfalls of longitudinal studies observing humans in a society in transition.

MILLOVÁ Katarína

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociální procesy a osobnost 2013
Keywords society in transition; macro-social change; longitudinal research
Description Historical events, such as wars, changes in political systems or economic changes may take a relatively short time, but their impact can be very dramatic. The result is long-term changes not only in the transition society itself, but also on the individual level. A man's life is influenced by them variously, often according to age at which the change occurred. In addition to social aspects of one's life, psychological aspects are also affected (subjective well-being, values, aspirations, etc.). Most of the macro-social changes cannot be predicted sufficiently long time ahead. Thus, most of longitudinal studies examining changes in psychological characteristics before the transition and after it were more or less fortuitous. Therefore, only a few longitudinal studies had the opportunity to capture the dynamics of changes in psychological characteristics of ordinary people living in societies that have undergone some macro-social change.

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