Publication details

Náhradní religiozita v české meziválečné hudbě: Případ dvou zhudebnění Wolkerovy Balady o námořníku

Title in English Substitute religiosity in the Czech interwar music: the case of two versions of Wolker's Balada o námořníku (Ballad of a sailor) set to music


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Muzikologické fórum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords substitute religiosity; Czech interwar music; Boleslav Vomáčka; Vilém Petrželka; Jiří Wolker; cantata;
Description The study deals with two cantatas composed on a Jiří Wolker's poem Ballad of a sailor (Balada o námořníku): Nicholas the Seaman (Námořník Mikuláš, 1929) by Janáček's pupil Vilém Petrželka and The Lighthouse Keeper (Strážce majáku, 1932) by Boleslava Vomáčka. Its purpose is to explain which musical structural means are used in these compositions for the purpose of constitution of their religious contents, and thus contributes to understanding the phenomenon of a search for "alternative religiosity" in a culture of the First Czechoslovak Republic.
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