Publication details

Využití kapilární elektroforézy pro stanovení metabolické aktivity embrya

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Title in English Utilization of capillary electrophoresis for determination of metabolic activity of an embryo

MÁDR Aleš CELÁ Andrea ŽÁKOVÁ Jana CRHA Igor GLATZ Zdeněk

Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
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Description Proper assessment of an in vitro fertilized embryo competence to its further development in a uterus is an fundamental task of an embryologist ensuring high success rate of an in vitro fertilization cycle. Morphological changes of an embryo are manifestation of physiological changes, but not all physiological changes manifest with altered embryo’s morphology. Therefore, two methods based on capillary electrophoresis were optimized for determination of important carboxylic acid and amino acids with a purpose to differentiate the embryo’s physiology on the level of their metabolism.
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