Publication details

K problematice vzdělávání v cestovním ruchu v České republice

Title in English On the Issue of Education within the Context of Tourism in the Czech Republic

REPÍK Ondřej

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XIX. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků. (Čejkovice 15.-17.6.2016)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords tourism; rural tourism; industrial tourism; SWOT
Description The issue of human capital quality and education in tourism have long been widely discussed topics. Human factor is the major supply side component and has significant impact on further development of tourism and its sustainability. The importance of human capital also increases amount of discussions on how to cultivate the human capital in the most efective and quality way, how to develop it and deepen its expertise. The discussion is then transferred to education system in tourism sector, its setting, structure of actors, its content and the process of forming such content. The main objective of this article is to summarize knowledge about the human capital in tourism and its education. In order to meet such objective the expert opinions are discussed, mainly from Anglo-Saxon literature. The sub-objective is to analyze the situation in the Czech Republic, where vocational education in tourism is provided primarily by higher education institutions. But in the last decade, the training courses, which have been cofinanced from public funds, have also played important role in tourism education. The public subsidy on such training courses is also analyzed in this article, The main outcome and contribution of the article is comprehensive analysis of this issue with expert authors discussion and analysis of situation in the Czech environment. In this article the author uses inductive-deductive methods, also comparison and analogy, and in case of data processing the mathematical and statistical analysis methods are used.

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