Publication details

Cesta k učitelství v socialistickém Československu pohledem pamětníků

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Title in English On teaching in socialist Czechoslovakia through the perspective of contemporaries


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia paedagogica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords teacher education; socialist Czechoslovakia; communist ideology; oral history method
Description The authors focus on primary school teachers and their journey to the teaching profession in socialist Czechoslovakia. The main objective of this article is to deepen knowledge about the teachers’ education. The authors answer three questions in this text: What preceded the study of teaching? How do the teachers reflect their undergraduate training? How is socialist ideology reflected in their studies? The main methods of data collection were the oral history method and the study of archival sources and legislative documents. The authors describe and explain teachers’ motivations to major in teaching and explore various forms of admissions to studies and reasons for rejection. The next part of the text explains some specific effects of many unpremeditated reforms on teacher education; it describes issues related to teaching practice and to “ideological” education.
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