Publication details

Ochrana kulturního dědictví – počátek příběhu s otevřeným koncem

Title in English The Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage : A beginning of an open-ending story


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Od folkloru k world music : Na počátku bylo...
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords UNESCO; Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage; history; traditional folk culture; Bohemia; Moravia
Description The essence of social sciences is the research of social setting and its links to the past and present. One of the issues which is discussed within this context in a cultural setting is the protection or safeguarding of cultural heritage. In the Czech lands, this issue has been discussed for almost two centuries, with bigger or smaller intensity, and was always connected with the political, economic, and cultural conditions of the society around it. This can be proved by the history of science, be it ethnology (ethnography), musicology, history, or literary science, as well as various proofs in national history and geography, philanthropy, organizations, and more, which follow the development of culture within local, regional, national, and multinational levels. The first efforts, which led to an introduction of the concept of intangible cultural heritage, appeared three decades ago; they were represented especially by UNESCO. They climaxed in 2003, when the General Conference of UNESCO accepted the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
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