Publication details

Surrounded by Presence : Notre-Dame de Lausanne between Liminality and Intimacy



Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The present paper focuses on a single "limb" of the structure that composes the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Lausanne: the so-called painted portal (portale depictum), a porch located on the southern flank of the building, richly adorned with sculptures dating from the first half of the 13th century. The paper will be centred on a series of questions which relate to the question of presence within this space important to the pilgrimage phenomenon but only. First, 1) I will briefly present some essential information about the cathedral and the space. Then, we will turn to the actual locus of images, the porch. Within the phenomenon of pilgrimage, 2) we will then try to understand two aspects: a) how this space is created through technical (architectural and sculptures) and symbolic features; b) how these features allow the two loci of images - the beholder and the sculptures - to enter in a dialogue on multiples levels.

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