Publication details

Obraz ženy v poezii Kateřiny Rudčenkové a Márie Ferenčuhové

Title in English Portrait of a Woman in the Poetry of Kateřina Rudčenková and Mária Ferenčuhová


Year of publication 2017
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The present paper Portrait of a Woman in the Poetry Kateřina Rudčenková and Mária Ferenčuhová brings an analysis of poetry of two prominent personalities of contemporary Czech and Slovak poetry, Kateřina Rudčenková and Mária Ferenčuhová. When interpreting their collections of poems, attention is paid to motifs related to everyday life of a female subject: loneliness, anxiety, pain and death. Both poets choose a rational approach to reality. Whereas Rudčenkovás work is distinctly egocentric, associated with the feeling of loneliness and emptiness of ones own existence, Ferenčuhová faces the threat of nihilism trying to relate to the world around, reflecting also the devaluation of the environment and society. Both of them employ intimate motifs of partnership, too. In Rudčenková, the partnership is erotic and short-term while Ferenčuhová obviously aims at maintaining a relationship and family. By contrast, the recurring motif of refused maternity in Kateřina Rudčenkovás poems only adds to the solitary type of the female subject.

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