Publication details
Vzdělávání a podpora dětí, žáků a studentů se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v inkluzivním prostředí
Title in English | Education and Support for Children, Pupils and Students with Special Educational Needs in the Inclusive Environment |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2017 |
Type | Monograph |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Description | Research monography is dealing with the topic of education and support measures for children, pupils and students with special needs in the inclusive education system. Presented monography is one of the grant (specific research) project outcomes arranged at the PdF MU. The possibilities and the conditions of the educational process in the individuals with special needs are analysed in the partial research by the teachers, parents, classmates and the pupils itself. The focus is also aimed on the variety of the therapeutic approaches and specific methods of the workflow with above mentioned target group. The monography is divided into five thematic units involving four partial chapters. The introductory part is focused on the inclusive education outcomes and the second part deals with the it´s forms. The third part is dedicated to the specifics and selected methods used in the educational proces with the pupils having specific needs. Fourth part gives us an idea about the therapetutic approaches to these individuals. The final unit analyse the employment of the special education field graduates and it also includes the topic of the special education teacher psychohygiene. |
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