Publication details

Žákovské hodnocení výuky na gymnáziu: Výpovědi sexty A

Title in English Student teaching evaluation/assessment at grammar school


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords rammar school; teaching evaluation /assessment; teaching efficiency; teaching quality; pupil voice; situational maps; mathematics; Czech language and literature
Description The aim of the presented study is to find out how pupils of grammar school evaluate the teaching of individual lessons and subjects as well as whether pupil’s assessment of teaching can have a driving force enabling pupils to influence the form of teaching towards its efficiency and quality. The design of the study is qualitative research. The examined phenomenon has been explored through observations of teaching and interviews with pupils and teachers of one high school class. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, it was found that pupils are able to evaluate the teaching from different points of view and take into account a whole range of teaching elements. The essential elements of the lessons that pupils observe are, for example: the characteristics and behavior of the teacher, the teacher’s expertise, the didactic competence of the teacher and the related learning objectives, the teaching methods, the learning effects, etc. The whole pupil’s assessment of teaching is a result of a comprehensive analysis of the individual elements of teaching, the synthesis of these elements and the formulation of the final opinion.
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