Publication details

Didaktika cizích jazyků a její směřování v teorii a ve výzkumu

Title in English Didactics of foreign languages and its direction in theory and research


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Inovatívne trendy v odborových didaktikách v kontexte požiadaviek praxe
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords foreign language didactics; foreign language teaching; theory; pragmalinguistics; intercultural communication; empirical qualitative research
Description The paper outlines the current concept of foreign language didactics, which dynamically develops under the influence of the latest knowledge of its numerous reference disciplines and current social and linguistic policy requirements for foreign language knowledge. The development of the theoretical basis of foreign language didactics is accompanied by a considerable expansion of empirical research into foreign language learning and teaching, which is constantly being improved and is based on a polydisciplinary basis. In the second part of the text, this is characterized, and attention is paid to qualitative approaches that gradually find their place in it.
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