Publication details

Souhrn praktických zkušeností z výuky odborných předmětů na SŠ

Title in English The summary of practical experience in teaching vocational subjects at secondary schools


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference TTnet - Pedagogická příprava učitelů praktického vyučování
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords the teacher portfolio; pedagogical experience, vocational and technical subjects; self-reflection; assessment of teaching work
Description The summary of practical experience, often named as a „portfolio“, can be considered as an instrument of teacher’ assessments, presentation of their education activities, but as a resource of information for teachers as well. The author of the paper presents possibilities of using educational and technical experience by teachers of vocational subjects in upper secondary schools. She explains it on concrete examples how to use, present and store them, not only for themselves.

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