Publication details

„Soudruh Matula není na okurky.“ Příběh prvního předsedy městského národního výboru v Brně jako sonda do prostředí nastupujících lokálních politických elit

Title in English "Comrade Matula is not for the cucumbers." The story of the first president of the municipal national committee in Brno as a case study of the millieu of the emerging local elites


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Brno v minulosti a dnes. Příspěvky k dějinám a výstavbě Brna
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Vladimír Matula; Otto Šling; Brno; municipal politics; local elites; Communist Party of Czechoslovakia; political trials
Description The main character of the presented study is Vladimír Matula, the first communist official at the head of Brno city hall The article focuses on the questions of the formation and origin of new local and regional power elites in the period of the preparation, creation, crisis, and the beginning of the consolidation of the communist dictatorship in Czechoslovakia between 1945 and 1954. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of sources and questions of the formation of party mythologies and personal self-presentations.

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