Publication details

Raný psychomotorický vývoj nedonošených dětí

Title in English Early psychomotor development of premature babies


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kvalita života 2019 : Interdisciplinarita ako bohatstvo poznania založené na rozmanitosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords prematurity; early psychomotor development; developmental trajectories
Description About 15 million children are born prematurely worldwide. It is social and multidisciplinary theme because many experts take care about these children. As a consequence of preterm birth, children suffer from a number of disorders and delays that may disappear or persist during their life. These children have sensory problems, which can mean impairments or complete loss of vision and / or hearing. Furthermore, they may have a disorder of mnestic abilities, executive functions, or spatial thinking. Significant are also delays of motor development or motor disorders, which are cerebral palsy or developmental coordination disorder. The aim of our work is the long-term monitoring of early development of premature babies (from birth to 36 months) and the identification of important variables that influence their psychomotor development. We are also interested in how the development of cognitive and motor abilities changes over time. The measurement will be done with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Second Edition (BSID II) and will take place in The University Hospital Brno. The expected research sample is 200 children and they will be examined 7 times during 3 years. Our goal is better understanding of factors involved in their psychomotor development and to set necessary interventions.
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