Publication details

Fictional Worlds of Spiral Narrative


KOKEŠ Radomír D.

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper aims to explain several features of fictional worlds of so-called spiral narrative in audiovisual cinematic storytelling. The spiral narrative will be identified as a specific pattern of audiovisual storytelling with a character stuck in an iterative segment of space, time and causality. They are not only fully aware of their situation but also try to deal with it. Even though this narrative pattern is known mostly from film GROUNDHOG DAY (1993), there are many other feature films, television films, television episodes or television series. A probable explanation is that these applications of the schema are a result of filmmakers' ambitions to innovate some broadly established models of narrative development from a new perspective. However, this presentation is going to answer somewhat different questions: What kinds of fictional worlds could be designed by the limitations of the schema application? What does the schema application mean for their time, space, causality – or even for their very setting? What roles might the spiral effect play and what functions might the spiral effect fulfil within these worlds and for their inhabitants? Although the presentation will follow several "spiral narrative audiovisual works", as the primary analytical case will be the probably best known and already mentioned movie, GROUNDHOG DAY.
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