Publication details

Evaluation of Incomes From Entrepreneurship with Property of Regional Self-Government (Case Study of Slovak Republic)



Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ICoM 2019 9th International Conference on Management "People, Planet and Profit: Sustainable business and society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords business activities; property of Higher Territorial Units; incomes from business and own of property of the regional self – government
Description The High Territorial Unit (HTU) is represent the regional self – government level in Slovak Republic. HTU is a legal entity, which, under the conditions laid down by law, manages its own property, own incomes, secures, and protects the rights and interests of its inhabitants. In practice, this means that HTUs may dispose of their property under Act No. 466/2001 Coll. on property of Higher Territorial Units in the same way as legal entities in the private sector. Thus, HTUs can earn part of their incomes from entrepreneurship with their property and create a competitive environment for other businesses. However, unlike the private sector, where the majority of the property are used to generate profits, the majority of property of regional self-government are primarily used to provide both original and transferred competences, and property that are not used for this purpose can be used for commercial purposes. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of property of HTUs through the analysis of incomes from property business and ownership in the period 2002-2017.

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