Publication details

Suroviny kamenné industrie z Hradce nad Svitavou v kontextu surovinové základny kultury s lineární keramikou na moravsko-českém pomezí

Title in English Raw materials of lithic industry from Hradec nad Svitavou in the context of raw material basis of the Linear Pottery culture at the northern Moravo-Bohemian border


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Acta Archaeologica Opaviensia 5
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Moravo-Bohemian border; Neolithic; Linear Pottery culture; raw material composition of lithic industry; system of long-distance distribution of the Kraków-Częstochowa Jurassic silicites; role of the Moravo-Bohemian border in the system
Description Not long time ago we identified hypothetical system of a long-distance distribution of silicites from the Kraków-Częstochowa Jurassic (KCJ) towards the Odra area and more to the west. Based on the raw material determination of chipped industry at some localities with Linear Pottery culture (LPC) in the northern part of Moravo-Bohemian border it is possible to suppose this distribution system reached up to the Boskovice Furrow. Probably the most distant sites involved in the distribution are represented by Chornice, Jevíčko and others, i.e. a small enclave of the LBK in the Jevíčka river basin. From this area the KCJ silicites were transported towards the south and especially to the west (Bohemia). With this local (?) distribution was probably connected LPC settlements at Hradec nad Svitavou and maybe at Staré Město near Moravská Třebová more to the north. As is this archaeological locality concerned, an important role could play nearby outcrops of metabasites of the Zábřeh crystalline unit used probably for polished tools there. Only marginal occurrence of the KCJ silicites among raw materials of chipped tools at a LPC settlement Nedošín (close surroundings of Litomyšl) does not allow to connect this LPC enclave in the Loučná river basin with their next transport to eastern and central Bohemia. This question has to solve another investigation in the future.

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