Publication details

The locals and the elites : discourses on the Roma and the roots of populism

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Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ethnic and Racial Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords Roma; media; discourse; framing; populism; culture
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Description Building on a longitudinal study of the media coverage of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic, the paper argues that the public discourses about the Roma are structured by a conflict between two imagined communities: the locals and the elites. The position of the former takes its legitimacy from first-hand experience, the position of the latter does so through references to civic values. These two groups provide the discourse with a structure and are produced in the discourse at the same time. The paper discusses two pivotal conflicts – the 1999 building of a wall to segregate the Roma and the post-2010 wave of Roma-targeted “anti-seating ordinances” – as key moments in the establishment of this conflict. The thus established structure is linked and compared to the opposition between “ordinary people” and “elites”, frequently invoked in the current wave of populist politics.
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