Publication details

Smluvní asymetrie jako nové paradigma závazků ze smluv? (Příspěvek k systémovým otázkám soukromého práva)

Title in English Asymmetric Contracts as the new Paradigm of Contracts Obligations? (Contribution to the Systemic Questions of Private Law)


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Aktuální výzvy soukromého práva
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Web nakladatele
Keywords asymmetric contracts; system of private law; contract law
Attached files
Description The paper deals with the new question, which has appeared in the contamporary scolars writing: so called asymmetric contracts. The author argues against this concept and especially against the tendencies to give to the asymmetric contracts the position of "new paradigm of contracts law".

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