Publication details

L’enseignement de la production orale en ligne : revue de littérature

Title in English Teaching the speaking skill online: literature review


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Romanistica Comeniana
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Časopis vydávaný Katedrou romanistiky Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislavě:
Keywords speaking skill; ICT; new technologies; teaching French as a foreign language
Description The research presented in this article aims to map out the current state of research connected with the use of ICT in foreign language teaching of speaking skills. It is based on nine international studies showing in which ways the online tools can be asynchronously used to improve learners’ speaking skills, emphasizing the positive influence of ICT on students’ motivation and the importance of providing feedback to students. The aim of the review is to serve as a basis for doctoral research on using ICT tools with beginner learners of French language to improve their speaking skills.
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