Publication details

Tourmalines and pegmatites

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Year of publication 2021
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Granitic pegmatites and their exocontacts are geological systems with evidently the largest number of mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup. It is constrained by the availability of B, Al, cations compatible with the tourmaline crystal structure (Na, Ca, Mg, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Li, Ti) and F in pegmatite melts as well as by highly variable PT conditions from magmatic stage (~700-400 °C) via early subsolidus (~400-300 °C) to late subsolidus stage down to ~100-200 °C, and P from ~0.5 to ~5 kbar. Detailed information about tourmaline and its mineral assemblages should be given in studies (e.g., B-isotopes; trace-elements – LA-IC-MS, SIMS; fluid inclusions; spectroscopic studies) to enable comparative study of variety of analytical data from different granitic pegmatites. In the case that such detailed information about tourmaline is provided in the paper (including supplements), the analytical results from various localities could be much more easily and more effectively compared and adequately discussed.
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