Publication details

Autentický literární text a čtení pro zábavu ve výuce cizího jazyka: Přehledová studie

Title in English Literary Text and Reading for Pleasure in Foreign Language Classroom: Literature Review


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Výzkum v didaktice cizích jazyků IV
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords literary text in foreign language classroom; authentic literary text; reading for pleasure; French; French literature; foreign language reading literacy
Description This research study aims to map journal research articles related to the integration of authentic literary texts into foreign language classroom and monitor at the same time how they deal with the term “reading for pleasure”. It is based on 5 journal research articles which show that the issue is topical, yet there is a notable lack of sources dealing with French as a foreign language. Therefore, comparable research which focus on different foreign languages, namely Spanish or English, were chosen.
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