Publication details

La sinceritat i la franquesa com a estratègies pragmàtiques

Title in English The Sincerity and the Frankness as a Pragmatic Strategies


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Estudios Románicos
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords (Im)politeness; Argumentation; Enunciative adverbs; Intensincation; Mitigation
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Description The sincerity and the frankness as enunciative conducts involve the personality of the speaker in his statement, they indicate the discursive intensification that, from the social point of view, can has polite or impolite effects, because it affects personal faces of the participants. We study pragmatic values of enunciative adverbs sincerament and francament in different discursive genre in the current Catalan. The attention of the analysis focuses on the intensification and the mitigation of the (im)politeness in representative speech acts. Both of pragmatic strategies are used as an effective argumentative resource that reinforces the speaker's position.
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