Publication details

Termination of employment with or without a cause?



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Interaction of Law and Economics: Sustainable Development
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Keywords employees´ protection; termination of employment; at will doctrine; just cause doctrine; unemployment
Description Employment law provides many means of protection for employees across the legal systems of the world in the event of termination of employment by the employer. Protection through the grounds for termination, only under which the employer may serve notice on the employee, protection through periods of protection, protection through the rules setting out the rules for proper service on the employee, notice periods, severance pay, unemployment benefits or protection through collective labour law provisions may be used as examples. The submitted article has set out to inform the reader how selected legal systems approach the regulation of the requirement of reasons to be given by the employer when terminating an employee's employment.

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