Publication details

On mi zaprskl pivem oči – the Czech path from non-syllabic to syllabic

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KOSEK Pavel ZIKOVÁ Markéta ČECH Radek BŘEZINA Martin

Year of publication 2024
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The lecture examines the historical development of the Czech non-syllabic liquids /r/ and /l/ in specific phonological contexts. Traditionally, these have been referred to as "pobočná slabika", or "branch syllable", in Czech historical linguistics. In most cases, these Czech non-syllabic liquids underwent a historical change to syllabic liquids. This change is analyzed through older Czech poetry, particularly written in octosyllable verse. The study focuses on both the distribution of non-syllabic liquids within octosyllable verse and the degree to which they were vocalized.
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