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Souhrnné hodnocení teoretického a experimentálního výzkumu Karlova mostu v letech 1994-2004, 1. část

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Title in English Overall Assessment of Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Charles Bridge in 1994-2004, Part 1


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Stavební obzor
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Civil engineering
Keywords degradatio processes; Charles Bidge; building material; chemical; biochemical; mechanical and physical properties
Description The theoretical and experimental investigation of Charles Bridge, focused mainly on the impact of non-force effects on the bridge stone structure, was conducted from 1994 to 2004. The theoretical and experimental research was concentrated on the exploration of the historical stone structure with regard to mineralogical and petrographic aspects, chemical and biochemical degradation processes, as well as their influence on physical and mechanical properties of the building materials used in the bridge construction. The described investigation was also aimed to monitor the moisture of sandstone and arkose stone blocks in a long run, and to study deformations and strain of the stone structure of the bridge. Special attention was paid to numerical analysis of the temperature change effect on the stress and deformation of the stone bridge structure, and its interaction with the filling layers of the bridge body, or the impact of some bridge modifications performed in the reconstruction of 1967 -1975. The numerical analyses comprised an assessment of forced .train caused by the drop, shift, or turning of the footing bottom of the bridge piers as a result of a flood wave. Based on the research outcomes, as well as the monitoring of the influence of the external environment on Charles Bridge, the concept of the repair of the damaged stone bridge structure and the methodology of is long-term monitoring were designed. This paper seeks to summarize and assess the main findings of theoretical and experimental works completed in the given period.
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